In exchange of the fee paid by you, Michael Soto and Kathy Eilers, and any other practitioners of One Elite Energy, Inc are providing a service assisting you in mind, body, spirit integration through the use of modalities that may include, but not limited to: reiki treatment, shamanic healing, guided meditations and imagery, private consultations, and any other energy work. You, the participant, hereby agree to assume all risks associated with any outcome resulting from your participation in One Elite Energy, Inc programs or private consultations with their practitioners. Side effects may include, but not limited to: emotional release, lightheadedness, mild fatigue, physical tingling, and change in body temperature. All information and mental or physical activity or guidance and direction are provided during programs or private consultations to enhance the well-being of you, the participant. It is my responsibility, as participant, to inform the practitioner if any discomfort should arise. It is my responsibility, as participant, to notify the practitioner ahead of treatment of any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries. By signing this Waiver and Release of liability you agree that neither Michael Soto, Kathy Eilers or any other energy healer working for/with One Elite Energy, Inc nor One Elite Energy, Inc shall be responsible for any negative consequence of any kind which is claimed to result from: 1) your participation in any of these programs, activities or consultations; or  2) from the use of any information learned or obtained during these programs, activities or consultations, including, but not limited to, reiki treatment, guided meditations and imagery, energy healing, chakra healing, energy work, yoga, private consultation or any other activity provided during One Elite Energy, Inc programs, classes, or private consultations. By signing this Waiver and Release you further agree not to assert any legal claims of any kind in any form against Michael Soto, Kathy Eilers, or any other energy healer working for/with One Elite Energy or One Elite Energy, Inc on any asserted negative consequence resulting from your participation in these programs, energy healings, meditations and imagery, or private consultations. By signing this Waiver and Release you acknowledge and agree that Michael Soto, Kathy Eilers or any other energy healer working for/with One Elite Energy or One Elite Energy, Inc, disclaim all liability for any injuries or negative consequence claimed by you to be the result of your participation in these programs, energy healings, meditations and imagery, or private consultations. I recognize that in no way does Michael Soto, Kathy Eilers or any other energy healer working for/with One Elite Energy, Inc. provide legal, medical, or therapeutic advice, and it is my responsibility to secure such advisement.

Informed Consent to Treat and Liability Waiver & Release